District 31L Lions Clubs of WNC


District 31L Newsletter


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District Governor's Message


NC Lions 100th State Convention (April 26-28, 2024)

This year’s state convention was one of the best and was very well attended (357). From District 31L, there were 32 attendees. It was a packed weekend full of fun and fellowship. Below is a brief summary of all the happenings (along with pictures in the newsletter link above):


During the day, the COGs, PIDs and 3rd VP Mark Lyon received a tour of Industries of the Blind in Greensboro, NC. What an impres-sive operation. After that we went bowling with visually impaired and blind bowlers. Those of us that were sighted were blind folded. It was much more difficult than we thought. I had the pleasure of meeting Zack and he was on our team. We had a great time!

Friday evening was the Fun Night and that it was. There was a meal followed by Dueling Pianos. Most loved the entertainment and that was shown by the amount of songs requested, dancing a Conga line around the room and so many on the dance floor. During the evening, the Peace Poster and the Celebrate Liberty winners were introduced along with their families. District 31L is very proud that both state winners were from our district. We had the pleasure of hearing the Peace Poster winner, Jovie Andler, speak about what in-spired her for the drawing. Dallas Blackwell, the essay winner, read his essay that was well received. Congratulations!!


The day started with the tail twister breakfast. It was a plated breakfast and there were a lot of items to be auctioned. For the items auctioned and donations, $5,030 was collected of which half is going to Brighter Visions and half going to LCIF. A big thank you to CCE George Suggs. He did a great job, as always!

We then moved on to the Town Hall Meeting with 3rd VP Mark Lyon and his Partner in Service, Lion Lynn, who presented an inspiring speech and held a question-and-answer session.

Following the meeting, was a Miracles in Sight presentation followed by round table sessions that were very informative.

The Saturday night banquet included Hall of Fame awards and Presidential and Leadership awards. I am proud to announce that PDG Curtis Erickson, Mills River Lions Club, was inducted into the Hall of Fame. PDG Curtis’s team also won the Golf Tournament. Presidential and Leadership awards were presented by PIP Sid Scruggs to Lion Tammy Thomas, PDG Michael Schwartz and Lion Tony Angel. Lion Tony could not attend so I will be presenting the award to him in person soon. Congratulations to all the winners of the well-deserved awards.

Additionally, PID Dr. Lacy Presnell presented to each of the District Governors, a Sid L. Scruggs Beacon of Hope. We were all very honored.

Also, during the banquet, 3rd VP Mark installed three new members for District 31L. What a wonderful surprise and honor for me (DG Susan) to sponsor my husband, Juan, who is now a Lion. Lion Tammy Thomas sponsored Scott MacLean and 1st DGE Eileen Artavia sponsored Brandon Guerrero. Congratulations to all three and welcome to the Lions family.


The day began with a Service of Remembrance for those Lions who have passed over the last year.

For District 31L:

Ray V. Caldwell, Balls Creek
Stefan B. Stackhouse, Black Mountain
Miriam Wood, Black Mountain McCune
Robert M. Carey, Burnsville
Tom Battle, Candler
Arthur Taylor, Candler
Clay Morgan, Canton Club
Dale B. Setzer, Claremont
Carl Moore, Clay County
Kenneth W. Woodard, Clay County
Dan G. McCracken, Clyde
Rogers McClain, Clyde
Joe C. Saunders, East Gastonia
William S. Newsom, III (“Doc”), Etowah
W. Fred Higgins, Hendersonville
Bill R. Culbertson, Hot Springs
Tracy S. Lanham, Lake Lure
Joe W. Cook, Long View
Joyce C. Smith, Mars Hill
Robert Walsh, Mars Hill
Benny Crow, Rutherford College
Everette A. Houston, Saint Stephens
Cheryl Hixon, Sand Hill
Jerry Thomas, Sherrills Ford
Robert W. Glenn, Valley Springs
Daisy Litman, West Hickory VIP

Please continue to keep them and their families in your prayers. Instead of being said because they have left us, remember all the wonderful service and those whose lives they have made a difference.

Following the service, the district cabinet meetings were held and a general session.

DG Susan, DGE Dawson, and 1st VDGE Eileen hope to see many more of you next year at the State Convention. It was a wonderful experience full of fun and fellowship. Thank you for your continued service.

Kindest regards,
District Governor Susan

Susan Fernandez
District Governor


News from your District Secretary

The New Portal has arrived.

By now Lions should have received an invitation email to join the new Lions Portal.

If you have an existing account, all your data has already been transferred and the email address you’ll use to login has not changed. You will only need to setup a new Lion Portal password.

Follow the steps below to begin accessing the new Lion Portal:

1. Go to the Lion Account login page and sign in using your existing credentials, this will transfer you to the new Lion Portal

2. Here, you can either enter your current password or create a new one. From there, you’ll be able access and begin using the new Lion Portal. Reminder all Lions and Leos who plan to use the new Lion Portal must have a unique email address (not shared with any other member) in their member record. This is because your email address will serve as your username to access the portal. While we recommend every member having a unique email address, even if they do not plan to use the Lion Portal, it is not required to have one on file to be a member.

3. Yes! You can use your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone to access the Lion Portal. Functionality is the same across all devices. The portal will simply adjust to fit the size of the device. Training videos are also available at https://www.youtube.com/@lionportaltraining

It is very important for club officers to take a moment to access these videos. Remember we are all learning this new portal. It is going to take time to familiarize ourselves with the new process. Your District Leaders are working diligently to familiarize themselves with the new program and will do their best to answer any questions you may have.

Should you have any questions please reach out to your District Team.

Respectfully submitted:
Lion Tammy Thomas
District LCIF Coordinator


LCIF Updates


As we move into the last quarter of our Lions year I want to say Thank you. Thank you to those that have donated this year to LCIF. We are still behind on where we need to be. Please consider giving something if you can. Currently 15 of 47 clubs have donated $4908.42. Our District is falling short $16,901 of our goal set by LCI.

There are many Lions who ask why should I donate to LCIF. So I asked Google…. Why should I donate to LCIF?

Googles answer…

With 100% of donations going towards grants and programs, LCIF empowers the compassionate service of Lions and those who need our help. Although those benefitting from your support may never know of your generosity, Lions Clubs International Foundation and our beneficiaries are grateful for your support.

Please consider donating today.

Tammy Thomas
District LCIF Coordinator


DGE Dawson Hart Newsletter Message

From 1st VDGE Eileen Artavia


Good Day Lions!

I have so enjoyed my journey so far as 2nd VDG that I wanted to take a moment to encourage anyone thinking of running. Do It! The best part so far is visiting the clubs and meeting people in our District that I otherwise would not get to meet.

I know it takes a commitment of time and resources. But it will be well worth the effort. You probably have heard of all the money it takes to be a District Governor. What most people do not understand is that there is reimbursement from LCI for your Governor year. It does not cover everything, but, it does cover a lot.

I really do encourage anyone interested to contact DG Susan Fernandez or PCC Martha Butler if you have further questions.

Thank You!

1st VDGE Eileen Artavia



International President Dr. Patti Hill's Theme: "Changing the World"


Dr. Patti Hill Lions International President

There’s an old saying – It’s the journey, not the destination. Changing the world is a journey. There’s no middle and no end. There is, however, a beginning.

Changing the World Change doesn’t happen all at once. It happens through many small choices. With every act of kindness, we change a life. With every Lions club and Leo club, we change a community. When we change our communities, we change the world.

With every small act of service, you contribute one step towards change. It’s up to each of us to simply begin. Like rain filling a bucket, we can change the world one drop at a time. In fact, we are all changing the world with every decision we make. Truly meaningful changes will occur when we are intentional about the kind of changes we want to make. When we strive to make positive changes—in our lives and in the lives of others—we put good into the world.

Lions have been doing our part to change the world for more than 100 years. In every project we do, with every donation we make, we contribute to positive change in our communities. As we fill our own buckets, our communities rise with us.

We are all connected. When we see that connection, boundaries and barriers disappear. We realize that while global challenges may seem daunting, there is always a place where we can begin. The place is here. The time is now.

Our world is a beautiful place. Let the rain fall. Drop by drop, fill your bucket. Help those around you fill theirs. Every day, in big ways and in small, let’s serve to make our world an even better place for all.

As a Lion for more than 32 years, International President Dr. Patti Hill has always brought out the very best in others. Her life and career have been defined by her passion for social justice, her dedication to helping others reach their full potential and her devotion to making the world a better place for all people.