District 31L Lions Clubs of WNC


District 31L Newsletter


Download a Copy of the July 2024 D31L Lions Dispatch (PDF) »


District Governor's Message


Greetings Lions,

Happy Lions New Year! I am excited to get the year rolling and look forward to working with each of you. Together we can make a great impact on Western North Carolina. PDG Susan has left me big shoes to fill, but I know that if we work together, we can continue the legacy that, we, District 31L are creating. Please be sure to look through the entirety of this newsletter for important announcements and information. I understand it is long, but I want us all to start on a strong foot and all on the same page so we can hit the ground running. On later pages you will see our goals this year listed.

Personally, I would like everyone to make a special effort to do at least one service project for childhood cancer. Upcoming in September, the NC state project day of service will focus on Diabetes. For us to be successful, we must work together. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out; we are a team and we are a family. The success of District 31L not only depends on my leadership but heavily depends on your communication, ideas, and participation, for without you Lions, there would be no District 31L. Secretaries it is vital that you share all Lions correspondence with your club members and that you and your service chair work together to make sure that your reporting is complete. We have changed the reporting system as you will see later on in this newsletter to prevent triple and quadruple reporting. Starting next month all lions will have access to this content to share inspiration and avoid the five emails from different people requesting the same information. More information will be shared about this in the next district newsletter.

Later this month, July 27th, I would like to invite all to attend our opening of the Cabinet. My home club the Long View Lions will be hosting the District Cabinet Installation, first cabinet meeting [no reports will be made but let’s get some ideas and action plans in the works], and Brighter Vision Kickoff. Please see the flyer in the newsletter. No meal purchase is necessary, and I am requesting that all cabinet officers be present for their installation. A gentle reminder that part of the role of club president and club secretary is to represent your club at these cabinet meetings. If you are able to come, please do. It will be in the fun theme of The Wizard of Oz and Past International Director Harvey Whitely will be the installing officer.

As our motto tells us, “We Serve,” let’s get started and have lots of fun while doing it!

Get ready for a memorable year,

Dawson Hart, District Governor


VIP Fishing Tournament Auction & Information


During the month of July, the VIP Fishing Tournament will be hosting an online auction. Visit https://ncvipfishing.org for more on this exciting fundraiser!

Applications (volunteer and participant) for the VIP Fishing Tournament are due by August 15th.


Mark Your Calendars


Be sure to mark your calendars for these upcoming District 31-L events:

- District Opening July 27th (Cabinet Installation, 1st Cabinet Meeting, and Brighter Visions Kickoff)

- NCLF Board and Council of Governor Meetings will be held August 9th-11th


New District Governor Goals

District Governor Monetary Goals:

Clinical Eye Research: $2.00
VIP Fishing Food: $6.00
McCune Capital Improvement: $2.00
McCune Activities: $4.00
LCIF/Melvin Jones: $2.00
NC Ambassador: $1.00
William L Woolard: $1.00
Beacon of Hope: $2.00
Leader Dogs: $1.00


Brighter Visions: Goal: $90 per member based on membership reported to LCI on July 1st;

20 new members into existing clubs no more than 10 dropped members;

Chartering clubs at least 2 new clubs;

Camp Dogwood Ticket Sales: $50 worth of tickets per club member;

Sponsorships: Sponsor at least 2 VIPS to a session of Camp Dogwood Sponsor at least 2 VIPS to the VIP Fishing Tournament;

GOAL: 1 SERVICE PROJECT PER CLUB FOR EACH OF THE 8 GLOBAL CAUSES during the fiscal year (Childhood Cancer, Diabetes Awareness, Disaster Relief, Environment, Humanitarianism, Hunger, Vision, and Youth).


International President Fabrício Oliveira's Theme: "Make Your Mark"


Lions International President Fabrício OliveiraThere’s a leader inside every Lion.

And leaders know that, through collective action and individual commitment, we can inspire and empower whole communities. Make them healthier and stronger than ever before. And making our mark in the process.

As leaders, we unite people through our clubs, and in our mission of service. We foster collaborations so we can do what others say can’t be done. We embrace innovation so we can bring our bold service vision to life. We give caring people the chance to serve with us so they can lead with us as Lions. And with every new member we bring, we make our mark on the future of service.

Together, we reach out to the people who need us. We amplify voices that would otherwise go unheard. We change lives in ways that only Lions can. And with every life we touch, with every community we service, we make a mark that will endure, and will never be forgotten.

Fabrício Oliveira, Lions International President
of Catolé do Rocha Lions Club
Catolé do Rocha, Paraiba, Brazil